Saturday, October 31

The Inspiration and Source of Thinking

My thought today is based on my biggest idol in multiple and multiple of ways; James Byron Dean.
For those of you not already familiar with him, allow me to make an introduction.

  • James Dean was born February the 8th, 1931, raised in Mario, Indiana.
  • At an age of 9, his mother died from cancer, and Dean was sent to live with his aunt and uncle in Fairmount, Indiana, due to his dad not being able to take care of him.
  • After graduation, he moved, with his dog Max, to California where he majored in pre-law. He hated it.
  • He later dropped out, to pursue a fulltime career as an actor, moving to Hollywood. Before the fame, Dean would sleep in his car if he couldn't afford rent, and go on dates with wealthy women or gay men to get a free meal, and even working as a rent boy.
  • He quickly became a famous and wellknown actor starring multiple movies in his 20's, leading to high star fame and a well known name all around the country. 
  • At the age of only 24, Dean died in a car crash under discussed mysterious circumstances. Whether his death was planned or a pure accident is still a mystery today. In an interview, the same year as his death, he even said: "take it easy driving, the life you might save, might be mine". The irony is scary and fascinating as hell.

    • Through his later years, he was rumoured to have intimate relationships with both multiple women and men. His sexuality never got defined. Some say he was a heterosexual with an extreme experimenting mind, others that he was a gay not accepting the fact completely, and others defining his as a bisexual.
    • He became an icon based on his personal style, attitude and status as a modern "rebel", with a complex vision on meanings, sexuality and behaviour in an individuals life.
    • He was rumoured to be "one of the rare stars, like Rock Hudson and Montgomery Clift, whom both men and women find sexy."
    • His spirit still influences multiple industries, cultures and people today.

    When I was about 14, i watched the movie "Rebel Without a Cause", starring James Dean. This was my first time being introduced to him. Something unexplainable made him stand out to me after the first five minutes. I couldn't describe it, but I had to research on this guy. It didn't take long time, before I had seen all his movies, documentaries and interviews ever to be found online in the 21st century. My idolisation kept growing as I also started reading books about him and going through his unpublished poetry. That was a tougher one to find, but eBay did the trick.

    I could so easily identify with him in a weird way, in the set of minds. What the history had learned me about his actions, decisions and thoughts behind these, were so recognizable and real. It became a drug to me to learn new things about this guy that once lived, and it became clear to me that he still lives in some kind of way.
    His complexity and mysteriousness in everything he did and said, became a source of inspiration to my day life, that i will only use and develop even more every single day. I advise everyone to look up his quotes, reading his books, watching one of his movies or, even better, the documentary "Joshua Tree, 1951 - A Portrait of James Dean".

    He's hanging on my wall right above my bed to the right, next to my dad and granddad, to inspire me every single day to think different, be myself and never define anything completely.

    He was, and is, the true inspiration to this blog and my whole way of thinking and perceiving myself and other people - He takes the title as the "rebel without a cause."

    "Being a good actor isn't easy. Being a man is even harder. I want to be both before I'm done. - James Byron Dean

    Wednesday, October 28

    The Very First Thought

    Welcome to a new way of thinking!

    My name is Jacob Evaristi and I'm completely, one hundred percent, addicted to thinking. 
    The human mind produces about 2500 thoughts every hour, but we can only focus on one at a time. My mission is not to make you think 2500 thoughts. I just wanna put attention to their existence and make sure you notice the more invisible ones of them.

    I've always thought a lot. They're not all so poetic and deep though. I wish they were. Let me give you an example on some different thoughts just produced within the last 24 hours:

    • The ability to fly could be quite dangerous
    • Has anybody invented self disappearing gum?
    • What happens to the graveyard stones after some time? I guess all dead people can't keep having that location, or is that something you can pay your way out of?
    • When do you "have sex" and when is it just fooling around a bit? 
    • Why does my bike feel like it has a flat tire these days? It doesn't.

    My mom always used to tell me "I thought too much about stuff" when I was younger, but I never understood if it was a good or bad ability. I used to write the best ones down in a little book, but it's quite difficult to keep up with the mind when you're suddenly limited to the speed of the pen. 

    Now I'm trying to think with this blog as my new pen. You have no idea how many thoughts i wanna share right now; inspirational people, music, irony, experiences, games, stories, fiction, facts.

    But I can't. That would be way too many thoughts at once, and you're just getting started figuring this blog out. Better save some good ones. Besides, today is all about being minimalistic and mysterious. That's why i chose the black background. 

    I wanna try making my thoughts clear and understandable, but don't hesitate to write a comment, if you need another explanation, answer or just a word. I'll see if it's possible.
    Photos and videos will be a part of the thoughts as well, but the words will always be the main focus. 

    To be minimalistic, I'm not gonna tell you about how often these posts will show up or what the next one will be about, but what I CAN tell you is that it's gonna be a completely new, deep and wondering feeling you will be left with every single time. Just wait for the next post!

    Well, there's not a lot more to say for this time. Or, there actually and most definitely is. But I should better make some room for the other 2499 thoughts going on in your mind this hour.
    So, until next time!

    I don't pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about.
    - Arthur C. Clarke