Monday, February 15

The Karma Man

Karma's a bitch, but he means it well.

I'm not a believer of religion, cultural faiths or Gods chosen destiny, but I'm a strong believer of karma. I don't believe in the bible, but the Ten Commandments have some aspect of representing what I believe in; that our actions bring consequences. Happiness or sadness, hate or love, temptation or devotion, curses or blessings, awkward or adroit, grateful or abusive, fucked up or put together.

The karma man and I became acquainted for many years ago, when my idea of what I sent out came back again, was confirmed over and over again. He is a living proof, that everything goes the way you want it to; determining your own destiny in a limited period of the future. Maybe it's not about believing in the karma man, but just realising that this is how nature works; everything you give, will come back sooner or later. So you better do a terrific job.

The karma man strikes you all the time, I believe. But it's not often that we have the ability to put the pieces together in the big puzzle, in a matter of action and cause.
But who decides the timing of karma? Is it our own subconscious, telling us that it's time to accept the unwritten rules for the actions we committed? Or is there a higher power existing in the world, working with the karma man in an extremely admirable teamwork? Let's give it a try, with ourselves in the first place; as our own angel and devil sitting on our shoulders and telling us what would be right and wrong.
We must become the change we want to see. - Mahatma Gandhi