Thursday, December 31

The New Year

The end of a year, is the beginning of something new - that's what our new year's resolutions are telling us. The 31st of December is a day with traditions, among others involving, suiting for the occasion, jumping into the new year from a furniture, watching fireworks and celebrating this evening with the people you love.

But what is a new year resolution about? Is it about changing yourself and your bad habits, thoughts to actions, or is it about being the exact same, and instead trying to redefine the changes, you needed for a better year?

"Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." - Brad Paisley

Since I was little, I've always remembered New Years Eve as this festive occasion where my family, and I, had a great dinner with our friends, talked about the year that had passed, and what the new might bring. All while watching a beautiful sky of gunpowder and explosions. But as an independence grows inside you, with age, and I, now, am holding my own new years eve with friends, I look at the turn of the year, as a an active element in the process of change from personal mistakes. These will, in the new year, be prevented and improved with an adult mind to the understanding of what is fair and right.

What makes the ending of a year so special? What makes it a bigger motivation for change, than every other day, when we wake up in the morning? A positive energy for a better life and a better year, is a dreamscenario, that suddenly doesn't seem that distant, since we now put the fine line for it, called "after the clock strikes 12".

So, let us all believe in the resolutions of New Year's Eve, and try to make up our own. There's a chance nothing changes, but maybe it's just about the awareness, that some things could if we really want them to. Here's three of my own resolutions.

  • I think a lot. Therefore, I'm hoping for a new year with more organising of my mindset, and a fine line between what should be thought about, and what should be left outside my head. It's causing great things, but also bad stuff from time to time, when you overthink a scenario and change your way of seeing it, from what it might actually be. 
  • The power of social interaction is strongly underestimated, and the same is the fact to share experiences, good or bad. I wanna get better at telling people exactly what I'm thinking, and not a simpler version, when the real seems a bit confusing or complex. By disseminating words, we think of them in new ways, and sometimes one's own head is not a worthy judge.

  • I wanna listen to more Jazz music. It's fleeting, without a certain rhythm or pattern to sing along with. It's independent, atmospheric, smooth and stimulating for your mind, I believe. Frank Sinatra is a free psychologist, and the instruments are tools for a mutual understanding.

A final part of this evening, that I found in my later years, to be a big fan of, is the fact that both the festive atmosphere, the joyful mood and the multiple bottles of liquor are all mandatory. So I wanna wish everybody a happy new year, with the company of mrs. Winfrey;

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, December 24

The Moon

The astronomical attraction from gravitation of the moon, has always been more than a physical matter of reaction and causes. Does the light beams of that planet, really affect us in the way we think, act and speak? I believe so, and this circular and luminous object out in space, has proven me right in personal experiences, in more cases, than the quantity of planets in our solar system.

I believe the moon, still, has some unknown factors about it. Something we human underestimate, since we can't measure it in scales and effects.
It's truly beautiful, how a planet so far away can light up the path we're walking, in the darkest hours of the day. I feel slightly hypnotised in a mythical spell, when my eyes gaze up on the sky, during nighttime. There is three phases of this mysterious something, that I can especially define myself out from, and prove a point to. The full moon, new moon and lunar eclipse all brings my mood and actions a second opinion, in a non schizophrenic way. I know for a fact, that a certain amount of placebo is existing in this recipe, but I don't care.

The full moon

I think a lot as a person, and I do it 24/7. But at this day of the month, my thoughts get twisted in uncontrolled ways. I get emotional, enthusiastic, disturbed, fanatical, hysterical, passionated, impulsive, irrational, nervous, pathetic, sentimental, spontaneous, susceptible, sensitive, temperamental or even numb. The full moon is my  argument, when a reason is searched to be found for some abnormal behaviour my mind follows. This always happens when the moon shows its full face to the earth, and brings more light to our surroundings, than ever before.

The new moon 

The first phase of the moon - this happens when the moon and the sun have the exact same ecliptical longitude. The moon turns completely invisible, just as my known mindset. It doesn't disappear, but it changes. Like a new start. All my thoughts from the day before, has blackened and flown up to the sky for one night. And instead they've been replaced with new thoughts, I've never been in contact with before. Imagine a blackboard being wiped clean of the equations you worked your logical behaviour out from. And immediately after this dissapearance, long new equations shows up on the same board - this time with brand new formulas and constants, you weren't aware existed moments ago. It's cool. It's different. And it's the moon, I believe.

The lunar eclipse

The lunar eclipse takes place when the moon passes directly behind the earth into its own shadow. This can occur when the sun, earth and moon are all aligned, with the earth standing in the middle. It can only happen during the night of the full moon, which makes it even more powerful. It's gothic in a way. The light hasn't disappeared; it's just being blocked. Like a certain supply of clarity is lost in you, but at the same time it's your own earth. Your own world being the cause to this. Irony is the purest form, of a catalyst for revelations and thinking in new ways. It's pretty incredible.
A total lunar eclipse, has the sunlight blocked completely by the earth's shadow. The only light existing in this case, is therefore the shadow of our earth. Our world. The light has a red colour, just like a sunset, and here the lunar eclipse becomes a blood moon. I haven't yet experienced this phenomenon with my senses and consciousness active and observing, but I'm looking forward to it.

It's nice to know, that something bigger than us, might exist under the sun, or in this case, under the moon.

Saturday, December 12

The New

When God was said to create the world, each of the seven days consisted of new elements, from where we started existing - The new human.
When getting married, among other traditions, you should be in possession of something new. - The new good luck charm.
When meeting somebody on your path, you might change your way of thinking, and get surprised. - The new perspective.

What is it with the new? The unexplored, unexperienced and unknown has, since we were kids, held this attraction force - the true source for us to get smarter, no matter if we find something golden, or get burned in the fire of exploration. I've always been fascinated by the new content, that haven't yet been defined; places, people, sensory experiences. My weakness has always been to be too open to the new... if that is a weakness at all.
What happens when you let the new in, is that you might let the old and well-known out from time to time; sometimes involving heartbreak, grief and regret. Nobody, ever, was able to own everything they desired. King Midas' greed for wealth and power, made him turn his beloved one into hard gold and unhappiness.
The limits for the new and wanted is present.
The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have. - Woody Allen
Why is it, that this quote seems like the essence of life, but still has a provocative thought to it as well? The human idea of making your life better is oppositional. It's cynical, but ambitious. It's self-centred, but honest. It's unhappy, but inspiring. It's an art to be calm in yourself and accepting your life, but at the same time exciting, adventurous and passionate to seek the new.

What is there on the other side of the mountain? Which future could a suddenly change of routine lead to? How many times can I love someone, with a risk of being hurt? In what undiscovered destination on earth would I fit in the most? Is the new a key to a new day or to endless nights?

Facing a desire, and throwing yourself will into something new, shouldn't be a color of unhappiness or melancholy, to the canvas you already thought were done being painted. It's a way of stepping out of your comfort zone; saying yes to something you might end up regretting, but won't die from.

Life is pretty incredible, and it will never need to be "upgraded" for any individual. But life is living as you want to, with a chance of meeting resistance on the path. This struggle could be the new, and the new could be a strength. Who ever told you life was easy? Nobody says that. So why not getting to know yourself a bit better on the way, by taking chances, act from what your heart tells you to, and never believe the new is something you can't integrate in your perception of being happy.

Friday, December 4

The Relations

Going through childhood, adulthood and the other hoods, relations gets created, maintained and ended with all kinds of closure. I wanna share my thoughts about these relationships with you.
Human relations are built on feeling, not on reason or knowledge. And feeling is not an exact science; like all spiritual quialities, it has the vagueness of greatness about it. 
- Amelia Barr, Novelist
Your decades as a growing individual can mean hundreds of new people you have to relate to; the fact is that keeping a close and personal relationship to everybody you meet and greet is an impossibility. But does that mean that you have to be selective, and whats the right recipe for that? I wanna split this thought into three kinds of relationships; the stranger, the friend and the lover.

The Stranger

In the modern age, with all new medias and ways of connecting people to one another, a question mark can be put after the word "relationship". Being familiar with someone or just stalking a person on a social media can quickly escalate. We're not strangers to each other in the same way as we were 50 years ago. Today you can learn lots about the guy next door by locating him on the social medias; his name, hobbies, work, maybe even what he had for dinner last night. 

Getting to know the "right" strangers can possibly make you skip af few steps on the path to a dream career, but who decides if this connection is a real relationship or just purely business?

The Friend

Good friends are worth gold; the girl you used to play hide and seek with in kindergarten, the classmate you made fun of the teacher with in middle school, the bestie in high school who backed you up, the colleague that understands your whole marriage situation better than yourself.
Good friends are worth a lifetime, but some of them may wither with time. On the other side, some relations resurrect from the dead leading to something even better than what it used to be. Maybe you weren't ready, maybe you needed to find yourself a bit or maybe the common interest just wasn't there. All you know, is that now is the time to bring this person into your life.

The Lover

I, personally, believe in soulmates. I also believe you can have more than one out there.
The relationship of love, sex, monogamy, trust and commitment between two people is the toughest kind of relation i can imagine. It's also the most beautiful relation of them all. 
Every day you see people, that you might be able to have a future with if you tried it out. But when in a relationship, you don't need that. You have told yourself that this single individual makes you a better person, and that you don't need to find happiness other places. At the same time as the feeling of being in love is bright, the feeling of having your heart broken or being left, is pure darkness. But as very clever guy once gave a great piece of dating advice: 
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. - Albert Einstein
Human relations are important, and due to the social constructionism, we are all formed and defined by our surroundings. So if you want to figure out who "defines" you, then start looking around.

Thursday, November 26

The Scars

Our scars remind us about how the past is real. Some scars are stories, written down on the body. Some others are written down the more undefinable places.

Personally, I believe scars are one of the most beautiful interpretations of reality. The ones showing, is a sign of the balance between strength and vulnerability. The ones not showing on the physical body, shows the exact same things; it's just a lot harder to see. That's what makes the scars on the soul much more unique and incredible.  

When I was about 10 years old I had the chickenpox like any other pre-puberty kid. The only different was that one of the "pox" left a scar at the top right side of my back. I wanted to have it removed from my body.
During the operation, I found out that I create keloidal scars, which means even the smallest breaks in my skin can form far more severe scars. "I bruise easily", you can say. This resulted in me getting an entirely new scar, because I chose to get rid of the old one. Today, I never really think about it, since it's on that part of my back I can't see, and even worse, can never scratch. But now, when I come to think of it, I guess it can be the symbolisation of some kind of typical american metaphor. I'm not gonna look at it that way, but there is a funny thought and lesson to it; do not try "removing" the scars from yourself, or you might end up with whole new ones.

Scars are the evidence of a life you are living. No matter if it's a scar on the middle of your chest, from open-heart surgery, a mark from the 10 year old childhood, on the back, or a complex and more emotional kind in your mind. By being a person, in love with writing down my thoughts, I can say I agree in multiple ways with this author:

"Writers remember everything... Especially the hurts. Strip a writer to the bug, point to the scars, and he'll tell you the story of each small one. From the big ones you get novels. A little talent is a nice thing to have if you want to be a writer, but the only real requirement is the ability to remember the story of every scar. Art consists of the persistence of memory." - Stephen King

Friday, November 20

The Ghosts

Have you ever felt haunted?

I can assure you, that you're not the only one.

I'm not talking about those white stereotypical ghosts, hovering two feet above the ground. I'm talking about real people who, for various reasons, show up in your mind on a, monthly, weekly or maybe even daily basis. They own a second of your day. You even named this second after them in your personal dictionary. Haunting your mind and making you remember this specific impact they left you with, with all your senses in play.

No matter if we got hurt, fascinated, amused or sad, it is a fact that some people create a uniqueness for you; call it a higher destiny, a bond between two people that some higher power had planned out. A ghost could for example be "the one that got away"; a bond you never got to fully investigate or experience. Who knows what it could have turned out to be.

Some people leave a big impression on you, without even being that different from everybody else. Why is that? How can some people take up so much capacity in your mind? Just after one conversation, or even just the imaginary conversation that could have taken place, you know something special just happened. This particular connection is comparable to the ectoplasm that ghost are said to be made of, I believe.

The thing about ghosts is that movies taught us they have a possibility to find "the eternal peace" and disappear from haunting the scary house. I don't think that peace can ever be found in my interpretation of being a ghost. To make this thought a bit clearer to you guys, I wanna present two of my ghosts to you. Hopefully, these two people can make you identify a ghost of your own. Maybe two.

The Girl In Blue

A couple of years ago I took the train. I believe I was in a state of mind, which made me more receptive to the impressions of my surroundings; I saw this girl.
She was standing with two of her friends about 10 feet away from my seat leaning over a kind of railing. The way they were dressed, all three of them, gave me an idea about their destination being a prom of some kind.
The girl was wearing a blue dress, high heels, red lips and her hair pulled back from her face.
I can't explain what happened for the next 10 minutes, but as I watched this girl, I felt like i got to know everything about her. You could tell she wasn't a girl getting compliments or being familiar to feeling pretty in this world; but she was. And for some reason, just for this one night, she seemed completely transformed, believing in this herself as well. Even with her hesitant body language and insecure use of eye contact, you could feel how much she believed in herself for this one night. I remember, that all I wanted to do, was to go over there and tell her how beautiful she looked; I believe that action would make her believe in herself, even after this night had ended. But I didn't. Such a pussy. And perhaps this is the reason why she afterwards became a ghost to me. My thoughts, often, bestows a second on her, and I'm so happy they do. As if they were actually the compliment she never received from me. The action I rejected.

The Believing Guy

I've always seen myself as being agnostic, meaning I believe in some sort of higher power that we people can't control; something undefined and greater. But I've never believed in God. I guess believing in him, if you can even say that, is something I admire very much. It's just not me.
A little while ago, I met this guy who changed my way of thinking in many ways. The first time I met him, he was wearing this bracelet with the letters WWJD on. My first thought went to James Dean. Maybe world wide James Dean or something would be my first guess on the code. He explained to me how this bracelet was about his believes, and stood for; what would Jesus do. I didn't suddenly start believing in something new, but I opened my mind to the opportunity. This guy was inspiring in many different ways. Many ways that people might never find out; but I believe I did. And this makes him a ghost to me.

Everytime I see a blue dress, I summon the girl, and every time I pass by a church, the guy shows up in my thoughts. It's like a set of life lessons we people never got to accomplish in a way we maybe hoped, but it kinda happened with the best possible solution. Ghosts are never forgotten, nor leaving; they make us think, and keep thinking in new ways. It's a shame that the dictionary defines them as scary creatures, when they actually the strictly opposite.

Thursday, November 12

The First Five Morning Minutes

I love sleeping and I love my bed.
My understanding is, that people don't appreciate those golden hours, during nighttime, enough. The human is a machine who only can perform out from how his sleep went. Try going through a whole night without sleeping, followed by a day of work. Trust me, you will never underestimate the night you could have had with your dreams, again.

As a person who thinks a lot, the second best thing I know about sleeping is my dreams. Who doesn't? Maybe you get killed once in a while, but it's all worth it for those great dreams as well. All the times you dreamt about flying, being able to perform magic, meeting your idol, going to a whole new and probably non-existing place or having sex with a complete stranger, while you're already taken. If it's a dream, it's not cheating.

The nights are our days without any boundaries. We also remove all the norms, do's and dont's all together with a whole set of rules we follow during our regular day life. Everything is possible, and if we could just be completely conscious about what happened around us in that dream, we could design every single part of it, as we dreamt it.

That was my second favourite thing. But my favourite moment lying in my bed, is the first five minutes after I wake up. Still in a dreaming state of mind, everything just seems to not matter right now. I know that I'm me, lying in my bed, in my room, but I feel like I'm the only person in the whole world. Reality didn't kick in yet, not completely.
The feeling of lying still, completely relaxed and rested, with the duvet, warm and soft around your body, and the daylight that just a couple of hours ago was gone, now shines through your window and down on you.

All the worries and speculations you filled your head with, right before you fell asleep, is gone with the new day arriving. Maybe they're not, but at least they are for the next five minutes. Sometimes in the weekends you can even get to expand these minutes a bit, if you planned your day right. Go on spending millions on meditation and psychiatrists; these minutes in the morning are worth more that money can buy. And I'm not even trying to sell you something new here, I'm just trying to make you notice how your first minutes in bed every day is the best time of your awake life.

I like not to open my eyes for these minutes, and instead just trying to reconnect with the dreams I just had an hour ago. Sometime I even go right back into them, but this time I can control them for a bit. Or at least I like to think I can. The second I wake up from sleeping, it's like I can feel the wakefulness flow through my body, starting with my head and slowly passing down to my feet. The feeling is pure happiness, in the best way it could ever be.

Going from a dream scenario where everything was new and different, to the scenario of the new day, where everything can become new and different, is such a wild feeling, and it all happens in those five minutes, where everything around me is quite, hidden and still sleeping.

Sunday, November 8

The Closure

First of all, closure is one on my favourite words; just try to say it out loud, the smoothness of the letter combination and the feeling it leaves you with afterwards, is quite unique.

Second, and most important, of all, the meaning of the word has been redefined and re-experienced through my last couple of years in many different ways.

Per definition: closure - the act of closing or the state of being closed

As already mentioned multiple times on this site, I have a lot of thoughts going on in my mind, sometimes even fighting against each other about the determination of right and wrong. What should I spend my braincells on, what shouldn't I, does it change anything if I do, and would it change anything if I actually didn't. The last thought in particular.

I'm 20 years old, and have lived a great childhood with both my parents, sister, brother, friends and myself. When I think back on the older days, I can't seem to find any scenarios that needed closure from my side. I guess some battles were fought, but today they simply dont seem that memorable or of importance.
I'm still young and with lack of knowledge about who I am as a complete person. It's an adventure to find yourself, and I'm happy that I can still surprise myself with ways of acting and thinking in specific situations. But these last couple of months I feel like I've had to create closure in multiple situations. It makes me feel grown up and proud of myself, that I suddenly have to be selective in letting things go or simply accepting the way they went.
This is not a diary, which means I won't mention the specific situations. I wanna talk about the themes, and hope that you can relate to them.

- Happiness for the people you love the most. The ones I've grown up with, who's taught me about love, forgiveness and what it means to pursue happiness; these people have through the last couple of months changed the terms for themselves - what it needs for them to regain these qualities. My thoughts have been put to a test in a battle between my own past - how my security and happiness was created, against how I want my nearest to feel that love and security as well. Fall in love again, feel comfortable, be themselves for the fullest and focus on their own happiness as the goal. I'm so happy that I can finally say my own kind of closure is completely present.

- Choosing your path to happiness, and only one path at a time. To be safe and sound combined with routines - an every day with tendencies to form a pattern, has never really been my definition of being happy. I could, in a dream scenario, have all the materialistic goals I wanted, be with THE person I wanted and live this way for eternity, but I wouldn't be completely happy. My happiness has always come in a form of being open to the new paths. If something, or someone, stands in the way of this, it brings me sadness and a step away from the possible happiness I might already be in. I guess I will never sit, leaned back in a chair, looking out on the horizon and think "I'm as happy as I can be". But my closure comes in accepting that I AM only 20, and that I don't need to invent a perfect life for myself right now. I just need to feel good, and right, about who I love and what I do. Time will show me when, and if, I need to change that.

- Giving up on things you can't have at the same time. With the word closure, comes also the word beginnings. The unexplored and new has always been the most interesting for me; new countries to visit, new sensory experiences, new people to meet and greet. Some people I let come to close in ways they shouldn't, because they could, if it was okay. But it isn't okay - not always. Sometimes letting people into your life, might hurt other people. Clashing. But we don't wanna limit ourselves, and we don't wanna say goodbye to something that might turn out even better than what we already had, would we? This is where my closure kicks in! Everybody wants the best for themselves, but true happiness comes in being happy with what you already love and own - not what you could achieve other places. The grass is always greener on the other site, but that's green bullshit.

I do not forbid myself from dreaming and thinking new thoughts, with new possible changes of heart and soul. But closure is my art of telling myself, that where I am is the place I want to be. If I didn't feel happy, I would know it was the time to change one of the gears in the machine. But right now, I am happy. Thinking about achieving happiness through other scenarios, isn't important, and it's especially not necessary in an age of 20, young, wild, free and thinking.

To create closure and give it to yourself is, for me, telling yourself to "choose your battles". My flaws are the tools to work my mind out, and to bring a wide smile to my mouth.

I think sometimes peopler require the satisfaction of closure. - Diablo Cody

Saturday, October 31

The Inspiration and Source of Thinking

My thought today is based on my biggest idol in multiple and multiple of ways; James Byron Dean.
For those of you not already familiar with him, allow me to make an introduction.

  • James Dean was born February the 8th, 1931, raised in Mario, Indiana.
  • At an age of 9, his mother died from cancer, and Dean was sent to live with his aunt and uncle in Fairmount, Indiana, due to his dad not being able to take care of him.
  • After graduation, he moved, with his dog Max, to California where he majored in pre-law. He hated it.
  • He later dropped out, to pursue a fulltime career as an actor, moving to Hollywood. Before the fame, Dean would sleep in his car if he couldn't afford rent, and go on dates with wealthy women or gay men to get a free meal, and even working as a rent boy.
  • He quickly became a famous and wellknown actor starring multiple movies in his 20's, leading to high star fame and a well known name all around the country. 
  • At the age of only 24, Dean died in a car crash under discussed mysterious circumstances. Whether his death was planned or a pure accident is still a mystery today. In an interview, the same year as his death, he even said: "take it easy driving, the life you might save, might be mine". The irony is scary and fascinating as hell.

    • Through his later years, he was rumoured to have intimate relationships with both multiple women and men. His sexuality never got defined. Some say he was a heterosexual with an extreme experimenting mind, others that he was a gay not accepting the fact completely, and others defining his as a bisexual.
    • He became an icon based on his personal style, attitude and status as a modern "rebel", with a complex vision on meanings, sexuality and behaviour in an individuals life.
    • He was rumoured to be "one of the rare stars, like Rock Hudson and Montgomery Clift, whom both men and women find sexy."
    • His spirit still influences multiple industries, cultures and people today.

    When I was about 14, i watched the movie "Rebel Without a Cause", starring James Dean. This was my first time being introduced to him. Something unexplainable made him stand out to me after the first five minutes. I couldn't describe it, but I had to research on this guy. It didn't take long time, before I had seen all his movies, documentaries and interviews ever to be found online in the 21st century. My idolisation kept growing as I also started reading books about him and going through his unpublished poetry. That was a tougher one to find, but eBay did the trick.

    I could so easily identify with him in a weird way, in the set of minds. What the history had learned me about his actions, decisions and thoughts behind these, were so recognizable and real. It became a drug to me to learn new things about this guy that once lived, and it became clear to me that he still lives in some kind of way.
    His complexity and mysteriousness in everything he did and said, became a source of inspiration to my day life, that i will only use and develop even more every single day. I advise everyone to look up his quotes, reading his books, watching one of his movies or, even better, the documentary "Joshua Tree, 1951 - A Portrait of James Dean".

    He's hanging on my wall right above my bed to the right, next to my dad and granddad, to inspire me every single day to think different, be myself and never define anything completely.

    He was, and is, the true inspiration to this blog and my whole way of thinking and perceiving myself and other people - He takes the title as the "rebel without a cause."

    "Being a good actor isn't easy. Being a man is even harder. I want to be both before I'm done. - James Byron Dean

    Wednesday, October 28

    The Very First Thought

    Welcome to a new way of thinking!

    My name is Jacob Evaristi and I'm completely, one hundred percent, addicted to thinking. 
    The human mind produces about 2500 thoughts every hour, but we can only focus on one at a time. My mission is not to make you think 2500 thoughts. I just wanna put attention to their existence and make sure you notice the more invisible ones of them.

    I've always thought a lot. They're not all so poetic and deep though. I wish they were. Let me give you an example on some different thoughts just produced within the last 24 hours:

    • The ability to fly could be quite dangerous
    • Has anybody invented self disappearing gum?
    • What happens to the graveyard stones after some time? I guess all dead people can't keep having that location, or is that something you can pay your way out of?
    • When do you "have sex" and when is it just fooling around a bit? 
    • Why does my bike feel like it has a flat tire these days? It doesn't.

    My mom always used to tell me "I thought too much about stuff" when I was younger, but I never understood if it was a good or bad ability. I used to write the best ones down in a little book, but it's quite difficult to keep up with the mind when you're suddenly limited to the speed of the pen. 

    Now I'm trying to think with this blog as my new pen. You have no idea how many thoughts i wanna share right now; inspirational people, music, irony, experiences, games, stories, fiction, facts.

    But I can't. That would be way too many thoughts at once, and you're just getting started figuring this blog out. Better save some good ones. Besides, today is all about being minimalistic and mysterious. That's why i chose the black background. 

    I wanna try making my thoughts clear and understandable, but don't hesitate to write a comment, if you need another explanation, answer or just a word. I'll see if it's possible.
    Photos and videos will be a part of the thoughts as well, but the words will always be the main focus. 

    To be minimalistic, I'm not gonna tell you about how often these posts will show up or what the next one will be about, but what I CAN tell you is that it's gonna be a completely new, deep and wondering feeling you will be left with every single time. Just wait for the next post!

    Well, there's not a lot more to say for this time. Or, there actually and most definitely is. But I should better make some room for the other 2499 thoughts going on in your mind this hour.
    So, until next time!

    I don't pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about.
    - Arthur C. Clarke