Monday, February 15

The Karma Man

Karma's a bitch, but he means it well.

I'm not a believer of religion, cultural faiths or Gods chosen destiny, but I'm a strong believer of karma. I don't believe in the bible, but the Ten Commandments have some aspect of representing what I believe in; that our actions bring consequences. Happiness or sadness, hate or love, temptation or devotion, curses or blessings, awkward or adroit, grateful or abusive, fucked up or put together.

The karma man and I became acquainted for many years ago, when my idea of what I sent out came back again, was confirmed over and over again. He is a living proof, that everything goes the way you want it to; determining your own destiny in a limited period of the future. Maybe it's not about believing in the karma man, but just realising that this is how nature works; everything you give, will come back sooner or later. So you better do a terrific job.

The karma man strikes you all the time, I believe. But it's not often that we have the ability to put the pieces together in the big puzzle, in a matter of action and cause.
But who decides the timing of karma? Is it our own subconscious, telling us that it's time to accept the unwritten rules for the actions we committed? Or is there a higher power existing in the world, working with the karma man in an extremely admirable teamwork? Let's give it a try, with ourselves in the first place; as our own angel and devil sitting on our shoulders and telling us what would be right and wrong.
We must become the change we want to see. - Mahatma Gandhi 

Friday, January 15

The White Noise

White noise. In signal processing, this is defined as a random mixture of sound signals, extending over a wide frequent range. A constant background noise; especially one that drowns out other sounds. Thats the scientific defintion - mine is similar, but different.

This random mixture of sound signals are my impressions of the surroundings. The wide frequent range is my lack of being able to ignore them and their meaning. The constant background noise, then turns out to be the continuous and eternal amount of thoughts being processed in my head, which by drowning out other sounds, results in a complexity and challenge to define what's going on inside that mysterious mind.

What is this white noise? And is its sound distracting or inspiring? Right now, it's snowing in Copenhagen, and the streets are more empty than they have been for a while. The city is silent. There's not so many questions; just white noise. And I'm a passenger on this train with that compartment, where the rule is not to speak or make noise, since it's already present.

Try to observe a random human being, next time you sit quietly and have time to think. Look at what their eyes behold and how their face follows. Try not to think your own thoughts or judge, but rather imagine what the other persons state of mind could be for this second. Her/his noise can quickly be made clear, and get in tune with your own.

When it's cold outside, and the snow falls, it can be quite hard to find your own channel in the large quantity of white noise. But it's not that important. The white noise inspires and challenges. It brings new moments to our, already processed, thoughts, and leave us with possible emotions.

Produce some new thoughts, socialize them, and make some noise. The silence is pleasant, but the noise never bothered me or you anyways.

Friday, January 8

The Cat

In the world of pet animals, and in the world of human personalities, I believe we two different species exists; the cat and the dog.

I've always chosen the dog when it comes to my preferring pet. But speaking of the human personalities, I will always be a cat.

I've never really liked cats. They've always seemed too unpredictable to me. But at the same time, I can relate to it, more than any other species of the animal kingdom. A dog is faithful, loyal, searching for love and care unconditionally - the man's best friend.
The cat is snooping around, showing it's interest in humans when it wants petting and attention, but hides, when it wants the opposite. What is the cat really thinking? Nobody really knows. It's, as a character, strangely spontaneous, incomprehensible reserved and indistinguishable of behaviour.
Now, it all sounds like bad odds for the cat, compared to the dog, but I believe it shows something incredibly admiring; independence.

The search for independence, has been a fight for race, gender, sexuality and minorities for many years. The cat, on the other hand, has never found the independence as problem, even though we have been pretty busy defining them;

In the ancient Egypt, they saw the cat as a higher spirit that needed godly worshipping.
In many old religions they believed the cat was exalted souls, companions or guides for humans - all-knowing, but unable to speak, why it can not affect our actions.
In Japan, a cat is a symbol of luck, but in many other cultures, the superstition appears to be an association between the cats and being struck by bad luck - the witches helper.
In many other countries the common myth is, that cats have nine lives, due to its speed, ability to get out of dangerous situations and their ability to survive falls from great heights. Take that last one as a metaphor as well.

A thousand explanations to a cats behaviour, but still an undefined mystery. That's what a cat is. It doesn't let anyone define it - a strength and a weakness. It loves being around people, showing love and company; but at it's own terms, and no one else's.

"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not." - Ernest Hemingway

You might say the cat stands for the intuitive nature of us when we follow our curiosity, our moments of just wanting to be alone for a bit, our acts of egoism and selfishness, and the more vulnerable moments of life where confidence tells us, we have eight more lifes to live.
A dog is a beautiful species that can be counted on, loved and cherished. But so is the cat. I guess it just gets misunderstood sometimes, when we want it to be like the dog, and it's not.

Thursday, December 31

The New Year

The end of a year, is the beginning of something new - that's what our new year's resolutions are telling us. The 31st of December is a day with traditions, among others involving, suiting for the occasion, jumping into the new year from a furniture, watching fireworks and celebrating this evening with the people you love.

But what is a new year resolution about? Is it about changing yourself and your bad habits, thoughts to actions, or is it about being the exact same, and instead trying to redefine the changes, you needed for a better year?

"Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." - Brad Paisley

Since I was little, I've always remembered New Years Eve as this festive occasion where my family, and I, had a great dinner with our friends, talked about the year that had passed, and what the new might bring. All while watching a beautiful sky of gunpowder and explosions. But as an independence grows inside you, with age, and I, now, am holding my own new years eve with friends, I look at the turn of the year, as a an active element in the process of change from personal mistakes. These will, in the new year, be prevented and improved with an adult mind to the understanding of what is fair and right.

What makes the ending of a year so special? What makes it a bigger motivation for change, than every other day, when we wake up in the morning? A positive energy for a better life and a better year, is a dreamscenario, that suddenly doesn't seem that distant, since we now put the fine line for it, called "after the clock strikes 12".

So, let us all believe in the resolutions of New Year's Eve, and try to make up our own. There's a chance nothing changes, but maybe it's just about the awareness, that some things could if we really want them to. Here's three of my own resolutions.

  • I think a lot. Therefore, I'm hoping for a new year with more organising of my mindset, and a fine line between what should be thought about, and what should be left outside my head. It's causing great things, but also bad stuff from time to time, when you overthink a scenario and change your way of seeing it, from what it might actually be. 
  • The power of social interaction is strongly underestimated, and the same is the fact to share experiences, good or bad. I wanna get better at telling people exactly what I'm thinking, and not a simpler version, when the real seems a bit confusing or complex. By disseminating words, we think of them in new ways, and sometimes one's own head is not a worthy judge.

  • I wanna listen to more Jazz music. It's fleeting, without a certain rhythm or pattern to sing along with. It's independent, atmospheric, smooth and stimulating for your mind, I believe. Frank Sinatra is a free psychologist, and the instruments are tools for a mutual understanding.

A final part of this evening, that I found in my later years, to be a big fan of, is the fact that both the festive atmosphere, the joyful mood and the multiple bottles of liquor are all mandatory. So I wanna wish everybody a happy new year, with the company of mrs. Winfrey;

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, December 24

The Moon

The astronomical attraction from gravitation of the moon, has always been more than a physical matter of reaction and causes. Does the light beams of that planet, really affect us in the way we think, act and speak? I believe so, and this circular and luminous object out in space, has proven me right in personal experiences, in more cases, than the quantity of planets in our solar system.

I believe the moon, still, has some unknown factors about it. Something we human underestimate, since we can't measure it in scales and effects.
It's truly beautiful, how a planet so far away can light up the path we're walking, in the darkest hours of the day. I feel slightly hypnotised in a mythical spell, when my eyes gaze up on the sky, during nighttime. There is three phases of this mysterious something, that I can especially define myself out from, and prove a point to. The full moon, new moon and lunar eclipse all brings my mood and actions a second opinion, in a non schizophrenic way. I know for a fact, that a certain amount of placebo is existing in this recipe, but I don't care.

The full moon

I think a lot as a person, and I do it 24/7. But at this day of the month, my thoughts get twisted in uncontrolled ways. I get emotional, enthusiastic, disturbed, fanatical, hysterical, passionated, impulsive, irrational, nervous, pathetic, sentimental, spontaneous, susceptible, sensitive, temperamental or even numb. The full moon is my  argument, when a reason is searched to be found for some abnormal behaviour my mind follows. This always happens when the moon shows its full face to the earth, and brings more light to our surroundings, than ever before.

The new moon 

The first phase of the moon - this happens when the moon and the sun have the exact same ecliptical longitude. The moon turns completely invisible, just as my known mindset. It doesn't disappear, but it changes. Like a new start. All my thoughts from the day before, has blackened and flown up to the sky for one night. And instead they've been replaced with new thoughts, I've never been in contact with before. Imagine a blackboard being wiped clean of the equations you worked your logical behaviour out from. And immediately after this dissapearance, long new equations shows up on the same board - this time with brand new formulas and constants, you weren't aware existed moments ago. It's cool. It's different. And it's the moon, I believe.

The lunar eclipse

The lunar eclipse takes place when the moon passes directly behind the earth into its own shadow. This can occur when the sun, earth and moon are all aligned, with the earth standing in the middle. It can only happen during the night of the full moon, which makes it even more powerful. It's gothic in a way. The light hasn't disappeared; it's just being blocked. Like a certain supply of clarity is lost in you, but at the same time it's your own earth. Your own world being the cause to this. Irony is the purest form, of a catalyst for revelations and thinking in new ways. It's pretty incredible.
A total lunar eclipse, has the sunlight blocked completely by the earth's shadow. The only light existing in this case, is therefore the shadow of our earth. Our world. The light has a red colour, just like a sunset, and here the lunar eclipse becomes a blood moon. I haven't yet experienced this phenomenon with my senses and consciousness active and observing, but I'm looking forward to it.

It's nice to know, that something bigger than us, might exist under the sun, or in this case, under the moon.

Saturday, December 12

The New

When God was said to create the world, each of the seven days consisted of new elements, from where we started existing - The new human.
When getting married, among other traditions, you should be in possession of something new. - The new good luck charm.
When meeting somebody on your path, you might change your way of thinking, and get surprised. - The new perspective.

What is it with the new? The unexplored, unexperienced and unknown has, since we were kids, held this attraction force - the true source for us to get smarter, no matter if we find something golden, or get burned in the fire of exploration. I've always been fascinated by the new content, that haven't yet been defined; places, people, sensory experiences. My weakness has always been to be too open to the new... if that is a weakness at all.
What happens when you let the new in, is that you might let the old and well-known out from time to time; sometimes involving heartbreak, grief and regret. Nobody, ever, was able to own everything they desired. King Midas' greed for wealth and power, made him turn his beloved one into hard gold and unhappiness.
The limits for the new and wanted is present.
The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have. - Woody Allen
Why is it, that this quote seems like the essence of life, but still has a provocative thought to it as well? The human idea of making your life better is oppositional. It's cynical, but ambitious. It's self-centred, but honest. It's unhappy, but inspiring. It's an art to be calm in yourself and accepting your life, but at the same time exciting, adventurous and passionate to seek the new.

What is there on the other side of the mountain? Which future could a suddenly change of routine lead to? How many times can I love someone, with a risk of being hurt? In what undiscovered destination on earth would I fit in the most? Is the new a key to a new day or to endless nights?

Facing a desire, and throwing yourself will into something new, shouldn't be a color of unhappiness or melancholy, to the canvas you already thought were done being painted. It's a way of stepping out of your comfort zone; saying yes to something you might end up regretting, but won't die from.

Life is pretty incredible, and it will never need to be "upgraded" for any individual. But life is living as you want to, with a chance of meeting resistance on the path. This struggle could be the new, and the new could be a strength. Who ever told you life was easy? Nobody says that. So why not getting to know yourself a bit better on the way, by taking chances, act from what your heart tells you to, and never believe the new is something you can't integrate in your perception of being happy.

Friday, December 4

The Relations

Going through childhood, adulthood and the other hoods, relations gets created, maintained and ended with all kinds of closure. I wanna share my thoughts about these relationships with you.
Human relations are built on feeling, not on reason or knowledge. And feeling is not an exact science; like all spiritual quialities, it has the vagueness of greatness about it. 
- Amelia Barr, Novelist
Your decades as a growing individual can mean hundreds of new people you have to relate to; the fact is that keeping a close and personal relationship to everybody you meet and greet is an impossibility. But does that mean that you have to be selective, and whats the right recipe for that? I wanna split this thought into three kinds of relationships; the stranger, the friend and the lover.

The Stranger

In the modern age, with all new medias and ways of connecting people to one another, a question mark can be put after the word "relationship". Being familiar with someone or just stalking a person on a social media can quickly escalate. We're not strangers to each other in the same way as we were 50 years ago. Today you can learn lots about the guy next door by locating him on the social medias; his name, hobbies, work, maybe even what he had for dinner last night. 

Getting to know the "right" strangers can possibly make you skip af few steps on the path to a dream career, but who decides if this connection is a real relationship or just purely business?

The Friend

Good friends are worth gold; the girl you used to play hide and seek with in kindergarten, the classmate you made fun of the teacher with in middle school, the bestie in high school who backed you up, the colleague that understands your whole marriage situation better than yourself.
Good friends are worth a lifetime, but some of them may wither with time. On the other side, some relations resurrect from the dead leading to something even better than what it used to be. Maybe you weren't ready, maybe you needed to find yourself a bit or maybe the common interest just wasn't there. All you know, is that now is the time to bring this person into your life.

The Lover

I, personally, believe in soulmates. I also believe you can have more than one out there.
The relationship of love, sex, monogamy, trust and commitment between two people is the toughest kind of relation i can imagine. It's also the most beautiful relation of them all. 
Every day you see people, that you might be able to have a future with if you tried it out. But when in a relationship, you don't need that. You have told yourself that this single individual makes you a better person, and that you don't need to find happiness other places. At the same time as the feeling of being in love is bright, the feeling of having your heart broken or being left, is pure darkness. But as very clever guy once gave a great piece of dating advice: 
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. - Albert Einstein
Human relations are important, and due to the social constructionism, we are all formed and defined by our surroundings. So if you want to figure out who "defines" you, then start looking around.