Thursday, December 31

The New Year

The end of a year, is the beginning of something new - that's what our new year's resolutions are telling us. The 31st of December is a day with traditions, among others involving, suiting for the occasion, jumping into the new year from a furniture, watching fireworks and celebrating this evening with the people you love.

But what is a new year resolution about? Is it about changing yourself and your bad habits, thoughts to actions, or is it about being the exact same, and instead trying to redefine the changes, you needed for a better year?

"Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." - Brad Paisley

Since I was little, I've always remembered New Years Eve as this festive occasion where my family, and I, had a great dinner with our friends, talked about the year that had passed, and what the new might bring. All while watching a beautiful sky of gunpowder and explosions. But as an independence grows inside you, with age, and I, now, am holding my own new years eve with friends, I look at the turn of the year, as a an active element in the process of change from personal mistakes. These will, in the new year, be prevented and improved with an adult mind to the understanding of what is fair and right.

What makes the ending of a year so special? What makes it a bigger motivation for change, than every other day, when we wake up in the morning? A positive energy for a better life and a better year, is a dreamscenario, that suddenly doesn't seem that distant, since we now put the fine line for it, called "after the clock strikes 12".

So, let us all believe in the resolutions of New Year's Eve, and try to make up our own. There's a chance nothing changes, but maybe it's just about the awareness, that some things could if we really want them to. Here's three of my own resolutions.

  • I think a lot. Therefore, I'm hoping for a new year with more organising of my mindset, and a fine line between what should be thought about, and what should be left outside my head. It's causing great things, but also bad stuff from time to time, when you overthink a scenario and change your way of seeing it, from what it might actually be. 
  • The power of social interaction is strongly underestimated, and the same is the fact to share experiences, good or bad. I wanna get better at telling people exactly what I'm thinking, and not a simpler version, when the real seems a bit confusing or complex. By disseminating words, we think of them in new ways, and sometimes one's own head is not a worthy judge.

  • I wanna listen to more Jazz music. It's fleeting, without a certain rhythm or pattern to sing along with. It's independent, atmospheric, smooth and stimulating for your mind, I believe. Frank Sinatra is a free psychologist, and the instruments are tools for a mutual understanding.

A final part of this evening, that I found in my later years, to be a big fan of, is the fact that both the festive atmosphere, the joyful mood and the multiple bottles of liquor are all mandatory. So I wanna wish everybody a happy new year, with the company of mrs. Winfrey;

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey

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